Does your website has a mobile-first mindset?
With the majority of web activity happening via mobile devices, businesses need to ensure they do not miss out on potential leads and sales conversions by not having their website set up to be mobile friendly. You may have a great website that caters for your desktop users, but this may not be capturing your mobile audience in the same way.
This article will provide useful tips on how to ensure your business's online presence is taking advantage of and equipping itself to captivate your mobile audience, in turn converting them into customers or subscribers.
Use the below free Google tool to check whether your website is mobile-friendly.
It’s easy to check whether your existing website has a mobile friendly view or not. Google has a mobile friendly website tester that’s called Mobile-Friendly Test, check yours.
You’ll need to insert the URL of your web page and click the analyse button.
1. Make your website responsive
It's important to factor in during the build stage that a large proportion up to 70% of users will be viewing your website on a mobile device. This means that your website needs to provide the same level of user experience design that it does on desktop to mobile and tablet screen sizes too.
Responsive design is a website approach which ensures that web pages are able to reformat themselves to fit the device they are opened on, making the content display in a way that’s easy to browse.
2. Place call-to-actions in A clear and strategic place on your website to be seen on mobile
If you have promotional offers or calls to action on your website the best way to ensure these are visible to your mobile users, without risking interrupting them while they are trying to browse your website, which can result in drop offs, is to place these promotional offers in a fixed header at the top of your web page. The fixed header is then locked into place and does not disappear allowing the user to scroll while the promotion or call to action stays put. For tips on getting the most out of your calls to actions read our tips.
3. Make sure your email capturing forms are usable
Use the two-step opt-in method when growing your subscriber email lists:
Traditionally marketers have used a pop-up opt-in display form on the website in return to send the user offers, newsletter and interesting news about the business.
Alternatively, the two-step opt-in displays a button or link for your user to click on and only then does the opt-in form appear. The effect of this is that the user is more likely to finish the process as they have initiated it themselves by clicking the button or link. Having the form appear on the same page helps avoid the visitor leaving the site which can happen when visitors are directed to another page to complete an action.
4. Add an inactivity sensors or exit intent popup
Add an exit intent popup to retain your visitors that are planning to leave your website. Exit intent popups are a marketing technique used by online shops and websites, they track a visitors mouse movements, and when the cursor moves outside the page boundary, a pop up will appear. This is a form of technology that gives you the opportunity to make one more effort to convert your visitors as they’re intending to leave your website.
Inactivity sensors are useful to use for both mobile and desktop users and can help avoid visitors leaving your website without engaging in your marketing campaign.
When users stop activity on your website such as typing, scrolling and mouse movement use the inactivity pop up to prompt your mobile users to complete your call to action and engage with them before they leave your website.
5. Create a simple and clear mobile navigation
When designing your website navigation for mobile, make it easy for your website visitors to find what they are looking for on your site. Your website visitors should be able to quickly scan the navigation and make a decision on where to find the content they are looking for.
It helps to keep space between the navigational elements to prevent misscliks, as there will be limited space on a mobile device.
A vertical hamburger style navigation is usually adopted across mobile design and can help break down your sub-navigation choices into drop down menus, breaking down the navigation into a series of simple, bite-sized decisions for your users.
As it is evident that mobile usage is continuing to grow, investing in a mobile-first mindset is paramount if you want to convert these users into customers. If you have any questions or would like more information about how you can convert your mobile audience into leads get in touch today.
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