Calls to action are imperative marketing tools that help provide direction for visitors to your website, the purpose of a call to action is to focus your visitor to a particular end result you want them to complete, all while ensuring the call to action connects with them through persuasive and engaging content.
So how do you ensure your calls to action are effective and are encouraging your visitors to act. This article provides easy steps that will help you achieve this.
1. Provide Value To Your Visitors
Ensure that your calls to action provide value to your visitors, identify the type of content your visitors are interested in. In order for a visitor to complete a call to action they must see the value in it.
Think about what your visitors pain problem is and how your product or service can solve this.
While writing compelling calls to action that contain the right amount of emotion is important, it's vital not to lose sight of what it is your business does and the benefits it provides its users. You need both to create effective calls to actions that your users will respond to. What will the visitor get out of completing the call to action?For instance a free offer or free report that adds value will encourage your visitors to click and part with their personal details. A CTA that is unclear as to what the value is will not perform as well or get you the desired clicks and conversions for your business. There needs to be something in it for your visitors and prospective customers, some value that is going to help them, in order for them to exchange their personal details for your offer.
2. Provide Enough Information
Ensure customers have all the information they need to complete the call to action. Building trust at this stage helps necessitate the user completing the action required, whether it be signing up to your newsletter, making a purchase or giving you their personal details.
By pre-empting and reassuring your users in advance of the types of concerns that they may have, such as delivery charges, return policy, and how often you will send them emails if they're signing up to your newsletter, and if there is an option and how simple it is for them to unsubscribe, should all be addressed at this stage users will not want to spend their time searching for this information.
3. Be Clear And Succinct
Keep your calls to actions succinct and distinct from each other so to ensure your users know exactly what you want them to do, by keeping your website easy to navigate, guiding the user through the website step by step this will help not to overwhelm your users with too many options.
Positioning your calls to action high up on the page and central are good positions for them as the eye is naturally drawn to this area, however if you have images of people on the page this can draw your users away from the call to action as people are drawn to faces. The best solution is to incorporate the two.
4. Timing Of Calls To Action
Timing is everything, place your call to actions at the right time. Asking a user to respond to a call to action before they have had a chance to look around your website to see if what you're selling, or offering is something they actually want.An instant pop up asking your visitors to take action as soon as they’ve landed on your web page, is a sure-fire way of frustrating your visitors and possibly even making them leave before they have had a chance to take a look around.
5. Use Colour
Put your call to actions in bold colours so they are visible and draw the user's attention to them, larger call to actions tend to work well as they are harder to miss. For more information about the psychology of using colour in marketing and branding to increase website conversions read more here.
6. Create A Sense Of Urgency
Creating a sense of urgency and fear of loss can encourage people to act, in order to create a sense of urgency and get them to act now your call to action can include offering discounts for a limited time, companies use the idea of scarcity such as statements like "limited stock and selling out fast", to encourage users to buy now.
7. Keeping Your User Engage Until The End
What happens after your users have responded to your call to action? The follow-on process needs to be set out in easy steps that avoid distractions that may lead your user away from completing the process, whether that be signing up, buying the product or service, or getting in touch.
8. Calls To Action On Every Page
Make sure you have a call to action on every page, this helps encourage the user to respond to your call. The call to action does not necessarily need to be the same on each page and can be smaller calls that lead the user to your end goal.
Good calls to actions can make all the difference and help convert those visitors to your website into customers. If you would like help with your businesses calls to actions, feel free to get in touch today.
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